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I've tried to avoid imposing my personal beliefs about micro management of society, or economic
theories, from the structure of my proposed system governance.

 I know I have only been partially successful !


Here is were I am coming from -


One of my grandfathers was a capitalist, the other was a communist, although they were on opposite ends of the political and economic spectrum,

they were on good terms, and planned on building a boat together. 

They were both highly rational in their arguments,  growing up listening to them, I understood early on that both systems have advantages and disadvantages. As a child I always thought rather vaguely, that at some point I would try to help develop an alternate democracy.

My tipping point to action was the insight that a comprehension questionnaire, could act as a stop against mob rule.


This insight combined with the knowledge -

A - In  2000+ within the E.U, people were loosing there homes due to corruption, both political, and legal.

B - A lingering sense of political disillusionment after Blair and the 2nd Iraq war, which in my opinion broke the social compact in the UK  in regards to trusting government.

C- The general hypocrisy so blatant in modern politics.


Those motivating factors were enough to get me researching, then writing.


It seemed even if a politician started out with good intentions, they seemed to get tarred very quickly with the corruption of favours.


The proposal I ended up with is Individual Democracy [ID].

I am not absolutist about direct democracy or my form of it, and I do understand it would not be suitable for all cultures.


What I hope to achieve, is to challenge the status quo of representative government, to get people talking rationally, practically

about direct democracy, and how it might function in our future society.


This is a synopsis-

Individual Democracy is an Athenian based direct democracy, with a referendum style government.

With a merit appointed voter ratified bureaucracy running the country, and a citizens comprehension questionnaire to

show educated judgement on primary legislation, to act as stop gap against mob rule.

As with most new concepts ID is built on ideas that have gone before with a few important adjustments.


Its foundations are built on the ideals I cherish, direct participatory government, e-democracy and meritocracy.

Society in general,  needs to think what we want from a government, once we have done that, we can see how

 government structure can fit that function.


As society's evolve and grow, population and technologie levels change, so governments must adapt their form, so they are the
most functional for that society's needs.

I understand the fallibility of human nature, and as many governments have proven, ideals do not stand up to our weakness,

so any government must be very carefully structured.

I believe that we are, and should be responsible for our government. That our government should not take responsibility away form us,

that as thinking responsible adults, we should not be infantilized by our government.


ID is a meritocratic accountable bureaucracy, which runs a form of referendum based, responsible, direct e-democracy.


One of ID's main tenants is responsibly for ourselves, that our government should help us, not look after us,  that we are our

 own government,  as such we can interact directly in the our own government, and we do not need representation.


We are our own executive.

ID proposes a decentralized power structure, with a participatory based democracy, but it has hierarchical organization

in the bureaucracy, so there is clarity, and direct accountability. By accepting responsibility for our own government we

gain power back from a centralized government, that no longer listens to citizens.


      The basics -

ID is not a revolutionary form of government, it should absorb any of the current bureaucracy’s institutions and law’s,

 and adapt them to the requirements of ID, and the new constitution.

No representative politicians.

No political parties.

No proxy voting.

All legislation linked to taxation.

All positions in government to have the equivalent pay of a similar position in the private sector.

Legislation and bills to be nominated by the bureaucracies, or by the public.

Voting to be carried out via the internet, or in libraries. Information relevant to any voting to be mailed, or emailed to the citizen.

Every citizen has the right to vote for the heads of the bureaucracies, no matter their age, or legal status.

Citizenry voting on bills, only after completing and passing, a comprehensive comprehension questionnaire's on the subject

of the proposed law or bill.

The participatory vote is Yes or No or Abstain. If the citizen abstains, they must state why they abstain.


If more then 30% of the citizenry voting abstain, the bill must be rewritten, and the reasons for the majority abstention

must be addressed.

A Government can not be in power if it has abused the trust of the people, so there should always be a mechanism in place

to remove those in government.

All people in Public office shall take an oath to fulfil their duties to the people, with honesty and due diligence. If they fail to do so

for reasons of supreme incompetence, or corruption, they will face prosecution under the laws of the nation.

Questionnaires and notices come in different priorities, they are published on the Government Internet Site

and emailed to the citizenry. They are also in hard copy in the public library, and local community centres.


RED, which are Government suggested laws to be voted on in three months.

BLUE which are local impact bills and notices - the blue laws work on a point system, all citizens within 5-km of the proposed

bill are given 10 points, all citizens within 20-km are given 5 points, all the rest are given 1 point per vote.

GREEN which are citizen suggested laws to be voted up to government level, [i.e. Half a million votes to push it up to government level].

All suggested laws also have a YELLOW attachment, which has information that is not need in the questionnaire,

but is relevant to the proposed law.

This information that can be constantly updated, with alerts sent out when updated.

If a important piece of information is deemed hidden in the yellow section, there is an hyper alert system in place,

so the citizens can request a re-write of the red/green/ blue bill or law, if that happens an automatic investigation is launched

into the bureaucracies responsible.

The heads of the bureaucracies are voter ratified in their position. The voters to choose from between 3 to 7 nominations per position,

the nominations to come from independent HR companies, and from within the bureaucracies. Each nomination to have explanatory

information as to why that  person was nominated. 

With this adaption an average person who is unlikely to be motivated to vote in the legislative referendums,

still can have an active role in choosing the heads of the bureaucracies.

Basic Introduction

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