The Chief Minister -
The Chief Minister is the head of government.
She or he is a figure head, a trouble shooter, and there to make sure that the bureaucracy's are
running efficiently and effectively.
The Chief Minister can not serve more than 2 terms [a term is 3 years] and has served at
least 2 terms as a Minister.
She or he would be a nominated Minister, and voted for by the Minister’s and by the Under
Ministers, the majority would carry.
If the candidate can be ratified with a majority of over 50% of the public vote* then S/he is
Chief Minister. The voting public however can change this decision if 75% of the voting citizens
choose to do so, there is then a free vote for any Minister.
* Public vote /voting public i.e. all of the population that vote, not 50% or 75% of the
general population.
If the Chief Minister dies, the First Minister is to become Deputy Chief Minister and a
Deputy First Minister is chosen by the Ministers and Under Ministers . The Deputy Chief
Minister is to be ratified Chief Minister within 3 months, if s/he is ratified they then
become Chief Minister, and the Deputy First Minister becomes the First Minister.
The public also can nominate any Minister to become Chief Minister instead of the First
Minister, but it would take an absolute majority vote [over 75%], rather then a majority
vote [over 50%], to ratify another Minister, rather then the First Minister to take the
position of Chief Minister, against the recommendations of the other Ministers.
The Chief Minister must be resident for more then 21 years, or be a born national.
The First Minister /Deputy Chief Minister
The First Minister is a Minister, voted in by the Ministers and Under Ministers to act as a
deputy Chief Minister in case the Chief Minister dies or is incapable.
S/he continues in their regular duties as a Minister until that time and has no other functions in the
eyes of the state.
The First Minister must be resident for more then 21 years or be a born national.
The Ministers
Under the Chief Minister, there are the Ministers [and the First Minister], their functions are
to act as supervisor's to the Under Ministers, and to make sure their bureaucracy's are
running effectively.
The Minister's must have direct experience in their field, and have served at least 1 term
as an Under Minister; they can not serve more then 4 terms. The Minister is voted in by
her/his Under Ministers and by the Public.
If that candidate can be ratified with a majority of over 50% of the public vote then S/he
is Minister, however the public can vote for any of the Under Minister's and if one of the
other candidates is voted for by over 75% of the voting public then that candidate is the
The Minister's must be resident for more then 21 years or be a born national.
Under Ministers
Under Ministers are there to make sure that their departments are running efficiently and
economically, with clear lines of responsibility. They must have direct experience in their
Department specialization i.e.
The Under Minister for General Practitioner's must have experience as a General
Practitioner, or the Under Minister for Urban Planning must have experience as an urban
planer, or architect.
Under Ministers cannot serve more then 6 terms and must be ratified in there position
every term by over 50% of the voting public.
Under Minister's are chosen from a selection of five nominees which the three independent top
human resource firms in the country have agreed as to be the best qualified, from within the public
or private sector.
One of those five is selected by the out going Under Minister as the best replacement with a written
explanation as why to choose that candidate.
If that candidate can be ratified with a majority of over 50% of the vote then S/he is Under Minister,
however the public can vote for any of the top five recommended candidates to be Under Minister,
and if one of these other candidates is voted for by over 75%, then that candidate is the Under
The Under Minister's must be resident for more then 15 years or be a born national.
The Constitution
We the people, accept responsibility for our own governance, and government. In doing
so we secure our rights, as identified in the constitution.
A Government can not be in power if it has abused the trust of the people, so there should
always be a mechanism in place to remove those in government.
All people in public office shall take an oath to fulfil their duties to the people, with honesty and
due diligence.
If they fail to do so for reasons of supreme incompetence or corruption, they will face prosecution
under the laws of the nation.
All those in public office, should be paid a comparable amount to those in similar private
The people must be able to trust the information received from their government. In emergency's
the government may state that full disclosure of the fact's will not be given for reasons of national
security, but they must give a date when full disclosure of the facts will be given, at any time the
facts must be as accurate as possible, or quantified.
Any officer of the nation, deliberately and knowingly disseminating mendacious information as
fact's, is liable to prosecution for treason. All officers have the responsibility to use their judgement
in disseminating facts, gross incompetence is not an excuse, and the impact on the nation of those
facts will have bearing on any judgement on the official.
Our nation should stand for ideals and ethics beyond commercial freedom, or rules of law. We must
have a common goal and cohesion, a pride in ourselves and our country. Our Leaders should not
commit our people to battle, for commercial advantage, to expand our own ideals of freedom, or
impose our rule of law on others. Though we should defend ourselves and our people, from
encroachment on our liberties and laws, by other states.
Constitutional Rights and Obligations
1] Freedom from torture.
3] Right to state sponsored full education until the age of legal adulthood, and further education for
the top 5% of any educational institution.
4] No Corruption or bribery in our Government, Legal System or Bureaucracy's. Corruption of the
voting process by Corporations, or Individuals will be punished by seizure of 70% of assets, and at
least 10 years in jail, for all involved. Corruption of any other form of the government will have a
minimum of 30% of assets seized and 5 years in jail, for all involved.
5] Right to life, liberty, security of person, intellectual and physical property.·
6] THE LEAST BUREAUCRACY POSSIBLE, with a clear meritocratic structure of responsibility
and accountability.
7] Health Care for all, but legally sane adults may be asked to contribute in cases of continual
irresponsible abuses of their health.
8] Right to privacy, unless due process of law has been observed.
9] Legal Presumption of innocence, but past actions and arrests can be admitted as
evidence of probable behaviour and evidence of BAD character [#1. check out the
appendix for validated reasons].
10] Right to equal pay for equal work.
11] Right to accurate information from any government source.
12] Freedom from arbitrary arrest, detention and exile, without due process of law.
13] Right to a fair AND TIMELY trial.
14] Freedom of physically NON VIOLENT association.
15] Freedom of physically NON VIOLENT assembly.
16] Freedom of physically NON VIOLENT opinion and expression.
17] Freedom of thought, conscience and physically NON VIOLENT religion.
18] Freedom of movement
20.] VOTING with full Identity measures in place with the most accurate technology for
full personal identification; however the vote is considered completely confidential.*
21] Equality in law for all gender’s, sexuality's, ages, and ethnicity's before the law.
22.] Right to effective remedy from the law, right to a jury of peers, and right to appeal
23.] Prohibition of retrospective law.
24.] Right to participation in government, for all people who pass the comprehension
25.] Right to fair comprehension questionnaires.
26.] If there is Government seizure of property, there must be compensation at current
market value, unless the property is seized as punishment for a crime.
27.] As a citizen you have a duty not to commit a crime, and a moral obligation to
prevent a crime and to report a crime.
28.]Any seizure of assets in punishment for a crime is proportional of said assets, not by a
set amount.
29.] People have the right to refuse healthcare unless they are mentally unfit as proved in
a court or are legally under-age.
30.] Every citizen has the right to vote on any matter, no matter there legal situation, even if they
are a convicted criminal, or under age as long as they pass the comprehension questionnaire.
31.] People have the right to demand a new comprehension questionnaire information
pack, if that information could be proved to be unreasonably biased, as long as the new
questionnaire pack is demanded at least 4 weeks before the vote is to be cast. They can call for a reissue
at any time if there is deemed, necessary, or hidden information in the yellow attachment, in
that case a full investigation in to the relevant bureaucracies will be launched.
32.] The comprehension questionnaire is to show basic knowledge and understanding of
the subject to be voted on. It is also in place to show an inclination of care, and
government participation by the individual. It will be assumed that if the questionnaire is
over 70% accurate that the person has taken the time to understand the subject.
33.] The comprehension questionnaire's information and details of its subject matter must
be published online and in all standard forms of media, and must be published in specialist forms
such as Braille, or any other medium necessary for disabled citizen at least three months prior the
general vote.
34.] The right to protect oneself, one's family and possessions.
35.] There is NO death penalty [#2].
36.] The Government has the right to imprison or/and financially punish, or/and put to
work, people convicted of crimes through due process of law.
37.] The Government has the right to use truth drugs and tests in cases of suspected
terrorism and national security, and to ask for it in other cases after due process. The
accused may ask or decline to use the truth tests, but to decline may lead to prejudice in a
court of law, unless sound medical reasoning can be given. All use of truth drugs, test's
etc must be carried out with an independent medical practitioner, and an independent human rights
observer and legal representation for the accused must be present.
38.] The Government has the right to issue and collect tax's.
39.] The Government has the right to conscript an army.
40.] The People have the right to call for a paper ballot in constitutional or controversial
votes if requested by 30% of the population.
41.] The People have the right to the details of the government budget, except in the case
of direct national security. In the cases of national security the complete details must be
published within 10 years unless the activities are still ongoing.
42.] The right to government aid, or free legal representation in criminal case's against a
government body.
43.] The State can only finance secular schools.
44.] All schools, including faith schools, have a duty to provide accurate and balanced
information to their pupils on all faiths and subjects.
45.] All citizens have the right to vote for any bureaucrat in a representative office.
46.] Any money spent on advertising, in any form of media, to influence a proposition by
any individual, group, or corporation can not exceed by 20% the opposition's media exposure, air
time or budget.
47.] All propositions are linked to their funding in the same vote.
48.] There must be a facility for legislation to be nominated, and or rejected by the citizens.
49.] The comprehension questionnaire should be structured so that an average person should be able
to understand it, and pass it.
50.] The ministers votes for all representative posts will be public, and all the minutes of meetings
between all ministers, and under ministers must be fully published, unless secrecy is needed for
national security. Ministers comprehension questionnaire votes are private.
51.] In the question of privacy and confidentiality in voting, the government may request the
permission of the individual, and ask how they voted, when concerned over corrupt voting
practices, and may after due process take that information from their data base. The individual may
also request the information on how they voted to be made public.
Expectations from Government
What we want from a government.
The best representation of individual view point within a functioning governmental structure.
With the least taxation, bureaucracy and the least intervention on personal freedoms.
Common sense.
Management of roads, airports, and ail, or whichever functions best for national the transport
Public safety.
Strategic planning laws.
Social order.
Social responsibility.
No corruption.
A form of health service.
A comprehensive educational system.
A peaceful existence.
Expectations from the Law
Justice should be for all, not matter their, age, gender, race, religion, sexual preference or
position in society.
Laws are there to implement justice, and the legal system is to institute the laws in the most just and
fair way possible.
An efficient, functional incorruptible fair legal system, that is accountable to the government and
the people.
Strong anti monopoly law’s for a competitive, and fair market place.
The law should protect from the corruption of favours, influence, or the financial corruption.
The laws should protect the majority who poses enlightened self interest, from those that don't
posses it and who would abuse society. The people should decided if laws are there for prevention
or punishment, they should also consider if prisons are there to protect society from the criminal
element ,or if they are there to reform them or both, and in what priority.
Expectations from the Police or Army
The security services should be efficient, functional, economically lean, accountable to the
government and the citizens. Willing and able to follow the rules of law, and the constitution.
Expectations from the Bureaucracy's
Efficient, functional, and economically lean, incorruptible accountable bureaucracies, which are
expected to follow the rules of law, and the constitution.
Details of Comprehension Questionnaires, Ministers and Under Ministers and the Public
We have voted in a select committee of Ministers, and a Chief Minister to decide the questions to be
voted on, to make emergency decisions, and to run the bureaucracy's.
We have a comprehension questionnaire to show proof of understanding, and to show that we have
sufficient knowledge of the subject to be voted on.
The voting and questionnaire will take three months. The information pack of the questionnaire is
received by the public three months prior to the vote. There are three weeks prior to the vote to take
the questionnaire. The public can take the test three times. Those who fail all three times, will not
have the right to vote on that bill.
To vote people must pass the comprehension questionnaire with an accuracy of 70% or over.
There is one week to vote.
The subject and the information of the comprehension questionnaire pack to be voted on must be
published at least three months prior to the vote, except in emergency's. Emergency's must be voted
through in the standard format at a later date to ratify the legality's. An emergency will be defined
as a large scale natural disaster, an act of war, or if 55% of the voting public agree that the situation
constitutes an emergency.
Before any amendment would be legal on a change to constitutional law, an absolute majority vote
of over 75% and over 75% voter turnout would be required.
On Controversial laws there must be at least 55% of voter turn out, and over 55% majority in favour
of the law.
A Controversial law is determined by votes of the Chief Minister, the Minister’s, and Under
Ministers or by 55 % the voting public that it be made a controversial law.
Ministers and Under Ministers
Bills or Laws, to be voted on can be recommended by the Ministers, or Under Ministers directly.
They then go to the to the government department of Voting Questionnaires and Questionnaire
Information [VQAQI] and the Under Ministry of Voting Law which makes the final version of the
written law.
The department of VQAQI puts the bill or law in the framework required for the information
questionnaire. VQAQI then issues a information pack bulletin on the government site, and e-mail’s
the information to those' who have previously taken questionnaire's on similar subjects, and those
who have registered an interest in those subjects.
After receiving the bill or law to be voted on, VQAQI has up to four months to issue the
information on which the questionnaire will be based. Further information on the subject that is not
required in the questionnaire, will be attached or linked to the questionnaire information as a yellow
paper. The yellow paper can be added too right up to the start of voting week. The yellow paper
must be updated on the government information site, public libraries or other hard information
centres, and the updates have to be emailed to the registered voters.
The questionnaire will be voted on three months from the date of the information comprehension
questionnaire pack being published, only by those who have taken the questionnaire and passed.
Bills or laws to be voted on, can also be posted on the government suggestion site by the public.
People can then vote on the issues suggested, those issues that gain more than half a million votes,
Full Manifesto